Ministry Info


Pius Muzingu, a Ugandan who has become an American citizen, was radically saved after a providential Gospel encounter with a then-stranger from Grace Community Church.  Since then, Pius has been faithfully built up and edified at GCC, and then after being called to full-time ministry, trained at The Master’s Seminary.

God has given Pius an absolute passion for proclaiming God’s Word, especially to the lost through evangelism, and his heart is to return to his native Uganda as a missionary, to spread the “good news” of Jesus Christ within Kampala, the capital city of Uganda.

The location where Pius is planning to plant a church and training center is strategically located within walking distance of four major universities, which educate people from all over Uganda and even the rest of Africa.

Pius’ desire would be for these students to be saved, brought to spiritual maturity during their time in Kampala, and then become missionaries to their own villages, towns and cities upon their return home.  Of course, local outreach to Kampala residents would also be a key priority.

This is a unique opportunity to partner with a gifted evangelist who loves the Lord, has a solid doctrinal foundation, and an intimate understanding of the language and culture of one of the largest and fastest-growing populations in Africa.  We would love and appreciate your help in supporting him.