My Testimony


I spent the first part of my life in Uganda, growing up in a polygamous household. When I became an adult, I started a flower company that was successful enough to allow me to move to America.
While in America, I was introduced to a man named Byron who shared with me the gospel of Jesus Christ and invited me to church. Eventually, after a long car ride with Byron and others to a wedding, I finally began to understand that I was a sinner who needed to repent and believe in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection from the dead, for the forgiveness of my sins. Soon after that car ride, on a restless November night of 2006, I asked God to save me from my sin.

I am deeply thankful that God has saved me from a life of lies and greed through Jesus Christ. My desire is to proclaim God’s Word to Uganda, so a spiritually starving nation may know the grace of God in Jesus Christ. Currently, I am in the final year of my studies at The Master’s Seminary, and I hope to return to Kampala Uganda soon to start an expository preaching church there!